Join Our Learning Community on a Blog

This semester our learning community will use a private blog for discussion of class readings, websites, and videos. No one outside the class will have permission to join/read/participate.

This is a fundamental requirement for the course–you can’t pass the class if you don’t complete this assignment. One extra token to every student who joins by NOON WEDNESDAY 8/24.

The email inviting you to the blog will go out Monday August 22!! Don’t try to start this assignment until Monday. Thanks.

If you have any trouble, come to my Zoom Student Hours and we’ll walk through it together!

Grading rubric

This assignment will be graded on a basic checklist; if you’ve done these items, you receive a satisfactory and get credit. If you do them by noon Wednesday, it’s an Excellent + token.

  1. Reset your password and login to the student blog
  2. Set your profile names to what you want
    • Your display name must include either your first name or last name or nickname you wish people to know you by. (Your nickname doesn’t have to include your real name.) This is to build community. People in the course will know YOU only by this name and will call you this name. Please pick something pronounceable! Mine will be Dr. S.
  3. Add a profile picture (under Profile Picture > Image on the Profile page of the Dashboard)

DETAILED Instructions on how to do this are here:

Link to the private blog if you need it (you should get an email to your OU email address though).

Tutorial with all the instructions on how to do this is online here! Print it out as a pdf if you need to:

You did it!

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