
This course has been created anew and also with the adaptation of materials from :

  • Jason Mittell’s Specifications Grading blogpost and syllabus
  • John Warner’s Inside Highered Blog Just Visiting
  • Cathy Davidson’s blog on HASTAC

I also revised the assignments and grading section with language from Geneva Murray and Hong Lin of OU’s Center for Faculty Excellence.

This course also benefitted from the readings, discussion, activities, and ethos of the DHSI Feminist DH course taught by Jacqueline Wernimont and Elizabeth Losh, the Physcial Computing DHSI course led by Jentery Sayers, and countless Twitter and FB conversations with DHers all over.

Some assignments are built off of other prior work which is all listed in the specific assignments.

I have placed a CC-BY-NC 4.0 license on the work on this site (below), but the site is dependent on others’ prior work.  Any reuse of the materials on this site should acknowledge this site as well as the others listed above.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

The header image is a logo from the CCP, the cover of Roopika Risam’s book New Digital Worlds, and the 3d Athens project and is not covered by the CC BY-NC license.