Unit E Lab: 3d Scanning

sceaux castle 3d model

This assignment gives you two different options! Each is very different, with different requirements (downloading software or writing, working online or mostly offline) and different output. Read each one for the details.

I recommend you try the first option.

1. Create a 3d model from photographs (photogrammetry) using provided photographs or your own photographs (if you have a digital camera, not just a smart phone).

  • Follow this Photogrammetry tutorial online. You will need to download software for this assignment.
  • You don’t need to photograph an object (unless you want to). The tutorial has a link to photographs you will run through the software to create your model.
  • Evaluation: for credit, you need to post to the private student blog or your own website:
    • an image of your model
    • and a brief description of the object
    • citation/links to the tutorial and software used;
    • anything else you want to add about your experience of the process.
  • Your image does not need to be a perfect scan/model — it can be messy
  • submit the link for your post to Canvas


2. Pretend you want to scan something at the lab in the Library and propose a project. 

Due Friday November 12 pm.

Feature image is the 3d model I made from the photogrammetry tutorial

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